Зарядний хаб для дронів DJI Mavic 3.

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Код: 00074899
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2620 грн
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Опис Зарядний хаб для дронів DJI Mavic 3.

DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3 (CP.MA.00000427.01) - the Ultimate Battery Charging Solution for Your DJI Mavic 3 Drone

Are you tired of constantly charging your DJI Mavic 3 batteries one by one? Do you wish there was a faster and more efficient way to charge your drone's batteries? Look no further than the DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3 (CP.MA.00000427.01) – the ultimate battery charging solution!

The Benefits of the DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3

With the DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3, you can: - Charge up to four DJI Mavic 3 batteries simultaneously. - Prioritize which batteries get charged first, based on their power levels. - Check the status of each battery, including charging time and remaining power. - Enjoy faster charging times compared to charging each battery individually.

How to Use the DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3

Using the DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3 is easy! Simply: 1. Insert up to four DJI Mavic 3 batteries into the charging hub. 2. Connect the hub to a power source using the included AC cable. 3. Press the power button on the hub to begin charging your batteries. 4. Monitor the status of each battery with the LED light indicators on the front of the hub.

Shop with Confidence at TV-Mir.com.ua

When you shop for the DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3 (CP.MA.00000427.01) at TV-Mir.com.ua, you can shop with confidence. We offer: - Fast delivery across Ukraine. - 100% authentic DJI products. - A secure checkout process. - Friendly customer service.

Take Your DJI Mavic 3 Drone to the Next Level

If you're serious about your DJI Mavic 3 drone, then the DJI Battery Charging Hub (CP.MA.00000427.01) is a must-have accessory. Don't waste any more time charging batteries one by one – upgrade to the DJI Battery Charging Hub and take your drone to the next level.

Category: Drone Accessories

The DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3 is a drone accessory that falls into the category of drone accessories. At TV-Mir.com.ua, we have a wide selection of drone accessories to help you get the most out of your drone.


The DJI Battery Charging Hub for Mavic 3 (CP.MA.00000427.01) is the ultimate battery charging solution for your DJI Mavic 3 drone. With the ability to charge up to four batteries simultaneously, prioritize which batteries get charged first, and monitor each battery's status, this accessory takes the hassle out of charging your drone's batteries. Shop with confidence at TV-Mir.com.ua and take your DJI Mavic 3 to the next level!

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Зарядний хаб для дронів DJI Mavic 3.
Зарядний хаб для дронів DJI Mavic 3.
Код: 00074899
В наявності
2620 грн
Теги: DJI
Рекомендовані товари

Найчастіші питання про товар Зарядний хаб для дронів DJI Mavic 3. за ціною 2620 грн

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