Код: 00073640
Виробник: DJI
1331 грн
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Опис DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers (CP.MA.00000424.01)
DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers: Your Ultimate Solution for Quiet Flights
Are you looking for a propeller that can take your DJI Mavic 3 to the next level of performance? Do you desire a propeller that produces less noise and offers higher efficiency during operation? If you answered "yes" to these questions, then the DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers (CP.MA.00000424.01) are your ultimate solution.Less Noise, Higher Efficiency
The DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers are engineered with advanced aerodynamics that enhance their performance while reducing noise levels. These propellers feature a new design that reduces drag and increases lift, resulting in quieter and more efficient flights.Enhanced Stability and Control
Thanks to their expert design, the DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers provide enhanced stability and control, particularly in challenging environmental conditions. This stability and control allow for smoother flights and better video and photo capture.Improved Endurance and Durability
With these low-noise propellers, you can enjoy longer and more durable flights. Their unique construction and materials offer improved endurance, allowing you to experience more extended periods of uninterrupted flying time.Compatibility
The DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers are compatible with DJI Mavic 3 drones. They come in a set of two (2) propellers, one for clockwise and the other for anti-clockwise rotation.Installation and Replacement
Installing and replacing these propellers is easy, thanks to their user-friendly mechanism. Simply align the propellers with their respective motors and twist them until they lock in place.Conclusion
In conclusion, the DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers are a must-have accessory for any DJI Mavic 3 owner. They offer unparalleled performance, efficiency, and durability that enhance the drone's overall performance while reducing noise levels. Purchase yours today from TV-Mir.com.ua, a trusted partner for DJI products in Ukraine.Основні характеристики DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noise Propellers (CP.MA.00000424.01)
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14 днів
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