Монітор LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B

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Код: 00082537
Виробник: LG
6185 грн
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Опис Монітор LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B

LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B: Ідеальний вибір для геймерів Про LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B If you're a hardcore gamer, you want a monitor that's specifically designed to meet your needs. LG has delivered with the UltraGear 24GN60R-B — a full HD monitor that delivers impressive performance, no matter what type of game you're playing. This monitor features a 23.6-inch display and a fast 144Hz refresh rate. Plus, it has a 1ms response time, giving you smooth, blur-free images that will help you stay competitive in your favorite games. Advanced Features But the LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B isn't just about speed and responsiveness. It also comes packed with features that will help you get the most out of your games. The monitor supports HDR 10, so you can enjoy brighter whites, deeper blacks, and more vivid colors. It also supports AMD FreeSync, which helps to minimize screen tearing and stuttering, even during fast-paced games. Plus, with the Monitor Split feature, you can customize your display by dividing it into smaller sections or displaying multiple screens at once. Design and Build The LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B is not just about performance, it also has a sleek design that’s sure to impress. The monitor has a slim bezel and a modern, angular stand that looks great on any desk. The display is also height adjustable, allowing you to find the perfect viewing angle. It can also be tilted, swiveled, and rotated for portrait mode. Additionally, the monitor has a built-in power supply, so you won't have to deal with an annoying external power brick. Buying Guide When looking for a new computer monitor, there are many factors to consider. In addition to refresh rate and response time, you'll want to pay attention to things like connectivity options, resolution, and the monitor's design. In terms of connectivity, the LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B has two HDMI ports, a DisplayPort, and a headphone jack. It also has a USB hub with two USB 3.0 ports for additional connectivity options. The monitor has a resolution of 1920 x 1080, which is perfect for the 23.6-inch display size. And while it doesn't have a curved design, it has a slim bezel that makes it easy to focus on the action. Conclusion If you're a gamer looking for a monitor that offers impressive speed, performance, and visual quality, the LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B is an excellent choice. From its fast refresh rate to its advanced features and sleek design, this monitor is designed to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience. Buy LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B from TV-Mir.com.ua today and start winning your games with style and quality.

Основні характеристики Монітор LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B

Диагональ, дюймов 23.8
Кути огляду 178/178
Максимальна кількість кольорів 16.7 млн
Сенсорний екран нет
Співвідношення сторін 16:9
Технології синхронізації AMD FreeSync Premium
Яскравість, кд/м2 300
Максимальна роздільна здатність екрану 1920x1080
Тип матриці IPS
Контрастність 1000:1
Тип Для видеомонтажа, Для фотографа/дизайнера, Широкоформатный, Для программиста, Безрамочный,Геймерский
Модель 24GN60R-B
Потужність в режимі очікування, Вт 0.3
Потужність в робочому режимі, Вт 18
Регулювання положення регулировка наклона
Підсвічування LED
Технології покращення зображення Flicker Free, Low Blue Light
Частота, ГГц 2,6-4,5
Можливість кріплення на стіну (VESA) 100х100
Колір черный
Інтерфейси та підключення 1 х VGA, 1 х HDMI 2.0, 1 х DisplayPort 1.4, наушники
Вага без упаковки, кг 3.9
Розміри з підставкою, мм 541 х 409 х 181
Термін гарантії 12 місяців

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Монітор LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B
Монітор LG UltraGear 24GN60R-B
Код: 00082537
Немає в наявності
6185 грн
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