Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3)

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Код: 00080136
Виробник: Apple
15006 грн
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Опис Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3)

Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminum Case with White S. Band

Stay Connected with Apple Watch Series 8

Looking for a stylish and functional watch that keeps you connected on-the-go? Look no further than the Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm in Silver Aluminum Case with White S. Band. With built-in cellular capabilities, this watch allows you to stay connected without your iPhone and make calls, send texts, and stream music all from your wrist. Plus, with GPS tracking and a variety of workout features, the Apple Watch Series 8 is the perfect companion for your active lifestyle.

Sleek and Stylish Design

In addition to its impressive functionality, the Apple Watch Series 8 sports a sleek and stylish design. The silver aluminum case features a beautiful curved edge, while the white S. band adds a touch of sophistication to your wrist. With a high-resolution Retina display, you can easily see notifications and information at a glance. Plus, with customizable watch faces and interchangeable bands, you can truly make the Apple Watch Series 8 your own.

Advanced Health and Wellness Features

Not only is the Apple Watch Series 8 great for staying connected and active, but it also boasts advanced health and wellness features. With built-in heart rate monitoring, ECG functionality, and the ability to track your sleep, you can get a comprehensive view of your health and wellness all from your wrist. Plus, with the new Mindfulness app and other mental health features, the Apple Watch Series 8 helps you prioritize your mental health and well-being.

The Ultimate Companion for Your Connected Life

Whether you're looking for a watch that helps you stay connected on-the-go, tracks your workouts and health, or simply looks stylish on your wrist, the Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm in Silver Aluminum Case with White S. Band has it all. So why wait? Order yours today from TV-Mir.com.ua and enjoy the ultimate companion for your connected life.


- Apple Watch Series 8 - Smart Watches - Fitness and Wellness


1. Introduction 2. Stay Connected with Apple Watch Series 8 3. Sleek and Stylish Design 4. Advanced Health and Wellness Features 5. The Ultimate Companion for Your Connected Life 6. Categories 7. Conclusion

Основні характеристики Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3)

Дисплей 41mm
Сенсорний екран є
Тип дисплея OLED
Дозвіл екрану 352x430
Лінійка Watch Series 8 GPS 41mm
Спосіб заряджання беспроводная зарядка
Виклики є
Електронна пошта есть
Знімний ремінець есть
Події календаря есть
Прослуховування музики Да
Базова ОС WatchOS 9
Вібрація є
Звуковий сигнал є
Модуль 3G/4G(LTE) есть
Пульсоксиметр (SpO2) Да
Пульсометр оптический)
Функція гучного зв'язку есть
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
Матеріал алюминиевый
Матеріал ремінця сталь
Колір серебристый
Колір ремінця серебистый
Вага, г 32
Термін гарантії 12 місяців
Країна виробництва Китай
інше олеофобное (жироотталкивающее) покрытие, функция обнаружения падения и международный экстренный вызов SOS, компас, голосовой помощник Siri, акселерометр может измерять перегрузки до 32 g, гироскоп, датчик внешней освещенности, GymKit, ECG app, Always-On Retina display, U1 Ultra Wideband chip

Відгуки про Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3)


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Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3)
Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3)
Код: 00080136
Немає в наявності
15006 грн

Найчастіші питання про товар Apple Watch Series 8 GPS + Cellular 41mm Silver Aluminium Case with White S. Band (MP4A3) за ціною 15006 грн

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