Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm Green Aluminium Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93)

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Код: 00075816
Виробник: Apple
15657 грн
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Опис Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm Green Aluminium Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93)

Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm

Stay Connected with Style with the Green Aluminum Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93)

If you're looking for a smartwatch that seamlessly blends style, functionality, and connectivity, look no further than the Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm. With its green aluminum case and Clover Sport Band (MKJ93), the Series 7 is the perfect accessory for fashion-forward individuals who refuse to sacrifice style for tech.

Powerful Connectivity

The Series 7 offers an impressive range of connectivity features, including GPS and cellular capabilities, making it the ultimate tool for staying in touch and on track. With cellular connectivity, you can make and receive calls and texts, stream music, and access the internet without being tethered to your phone. And with GPS, you can navigate your surroundings with ease, whether you're exploring new cities or just taking a jog around your neighborhood.

Enhanced Health and Wellness Features

In addition to its connectivity features, the Series 7 offers a range of tools for monitoring your health and wellness. With built-in heart rate monitoring and the ability to track your activity and workouts, you can stay on top of your fitness goals and make sure you're taking care of your body. And with features like the Breathe app, you can easily destress and find moments of calm throughout your day.

Customizable and User-Friendly

The Series 7 is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor your watch face and band to your personal style. And with the easy-to-use watchOS, you can navigate your watch and access your favorite apps with just a tap or swipe. Plus, with features like Siri and the ability to control your home devices, the Series 7 can make your life easier and more efficient.

Order Your Apple Watch Series 7 Today

At TV-Mir.com.ua, we're dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest in tech, and the Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm is no exception. With its stylish design, powerful connectivity, and customizable features, the Series 7 is the ultimate smartwatch for the modern individual. So why wait? Order your Series 7 today and experience the future of wearable technology!

Основні характеристики Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm Green Aluminium Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93)

Дисплей 45mm
Сенсорний екран є
Тип дисплея OLED
Дозвіл екрану 368x448
Лінійка Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm
Спосіб заряджання беспроводная зарядка
Виклики є
Електронна пошта есть
Знімний ремінець есть
Події календаря есть
Прослуховування музики Да
Базова ОС WatchOS 8
Вібрація є
Звуковий сигнал є
Модуль 3G/4G(LTE) есть
Пульсоксиметр (SpO2) Да
Пульсометр оптический)
Функція гучного зв'язку есть
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
Матеріал алюминий
Матеріал ремінця силикон
Колір зеленый
Колір ремінця зеленый
Термін гарантії 12 місяців
Країна виробництва Китай
інше олеофобное (жироотталкивающее) покрытие, функция обнаружения падения и международный экстренный вызов SOS, компас, голосовой помощник Siri, акселерометр может измерять перегрузки до 32 g, гироскоп, датчик внешней освещенности, GymKit, ECG app, Always-On Retina display, U1 Ultra Wideband chip

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Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm Green Aluminium Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93)
Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm Green Aluminium Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93)
Код: 00075816
Немає в наявності
15657 грн

Найчастіші питання про товар Apple Watch Series 7 GPS + Cellular 45mm Green Aluminium Case with Clover Sport Band (MKJ93) за ціною 15657 грн

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