Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40 мм синій алюмінієвий корпус з. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143)

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Код: 00061926
Виробник: Apple
10738 грн
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Опис Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40 мм синій алюмінієвий корпус з. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143)

Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case: Something More than Just a Watch Are you looking for a smart and innovative watch to partner with on the go? Then you are in the right place. Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case w. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143) is one of the most intelligent and stylish watches in the market today, and it is now available at TV-Mir.com.ua in Ukraine - your trusted online shop for reliable and premium quality smart devices and gadgets. Why You Should Choose Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case This watch is not just an ordinary watch; it is equipped with unique features and top-notch technology that will keep you connected and updated on the go. With this watch, you can forget about carrying your phone everywhere you go - you now have an all-in-one device that can perform most of the essential functions you need to stay connected. Design and Display The Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case has a sleek and stunning design that features a clear and bright 40mm Retina display with thin borders. The screen size and resolution are ideal for easy navigation and reading of messages without straining your eyes. Fitness and Health This watch is more than just a smartwatch; it is also an excellent fitness and health partner. It has advanced sensors that track all your daily activities, including workouts, calories burned, and heart rate. It also has a Blood Oxygen Sensor that measures the oxygen saturation in your blood, allowing you to monitor your overall health better. Siri Voice Control One of the key features of this watch is the Siri Voice control that enables you to operate your watch without touching it. All you need to do is speak out your command, and Siri will do the rest for you. For example, you can use Siri to set reminders, make calls, and send messages. Battery Life The watch has a long battery life of up to 18 hours, which means that you can use it all day without needing to charge it. This feature is ideal for those on the go, who need a watch that can keep up with their daily activities. Buy Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case with TV-Mir.com.ua If you are looking for a reliable and premium quality smartwatch, then look no further than TV-Mir.com.ua. We have a vast range of top-notch smartwatches and gadgets that you can choose from, including the Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case w. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143). We offer secure online payment, fast shipping, and excellent customer service. Take the first step today and order your Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40mm Blue Aluminum Case with TV-Mir.com.ua and experience the difference!

Основні характеристики Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40 мм синій алюмінієвий корпус з. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143)

Дисплей 40mm
Сенсорний екран є
Лінійка Series 6
Спосіб заряджання беспроводная зарядка
Виклики є
Захист від води ударів водонепроникність на глибині до 50 м
Знімний ремінець есть
Прослуховування музики Да
Базова ОС Apple Watch OS
Вібрація є
Звуковий сигнал є
Модуль 3G/4G(LTE) нет
Пульсоксиметр (SpO2) Да
Пульсометр есть
Типи фізичної активності ходьба, бег, велоспорт, йога, плавание, высокоинтенсивные интервальные тренировки
Функція гучного зв'язку есть
Wi-Fi ac/ax/b/g/n/802.11 a
Матеріал алюминий
Матеріал ремінця силикон
Колір синий
Колір ремінця синий
Вага, г 36,5
Термін гарантії 12 місяців
Країна виробництва Китай

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Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40 мм синій алюмінієвий корпус з. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143)
Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40 мм синій алюмінієвий корпус з. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143)
Код: 00061926
Немає в наявності
10738 грн

Найчастіші питання про товар Apple Watch Series 6 GPS 40 мм синій алюмінієвий корпус з. Deep Navy Sport B. (MG143) за ціною 10738 грн

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