Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372)

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Код: 00061813
Виробник: Apple
13518 грн
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Опис Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372)

Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40mm Silver Aluminium: Your Ultimate Companion

If you're looking for a smartwatch that could keep up with your active lifestyle, then the Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40mm Silver Aluminium w. Pure Platinum/Black Nike Sport Band (MX372) is the perfect fit for you. This watch is designed to be an all-around companion that you can bring wherever you go, whether it be during your workouts, travels, or daily routines.

Design and Display

The Apple Watch Series 5 has a sleek and modern design, crafted from high-quality materials that exude elegance and durability. Its 40mm Silver Aluminium case features a stunning Pure Platinum/Black Nike Sport Band that complements any outfit, giving you a sporty yet sophisticated look. The watch also comes with a bright and vibrant Always-On Retina Display, allowing you to check the time, notifications, and other important information with just a glance.

GPS + LTE Connectivity

With the Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE, you can enjoy the freedom and convenience of staying connected anytime and anywhere. This watch has built-in GPS and cellular connectivity, granting you access to high-speed internet and communication services without needing your iPhone. You can make calls, send texts, stream music, and use apps even if you're away from your phone. Plus, the watch is compatible with major carriers in Ukraine, such as Kyivstar, Vodafone, and Lifecell, ensuring reliable connectivity wherever you go.

Health and Fitness Features

The Apple Watch Series 5 is also a top-notch fitness tracker that can help you achieve your health goals. It has various sensors that can monitor your heart rate, workouts, activity levels, and even menstrual cycles. You can also track your progress and get personalized coaching through the watch's Fitness app. Additionally, the watch has safety features such as fall detection and Emergency SOS, which can save your life in critical situations.

Other Features and Accessories

The Apple Watch Series 5 offers plenty of features and accessories that can make your life easier and more fun. You can use Siri to control your devices, set reminders, and ask for help. You can also choose from a wide range of watch faces, apps, and complications that suit your preferences and needs. Moreover, the watch comes with a magnetic charging cable and a USB power adapter, ensuring fast and easy charging.

Get Your Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40mm Silver Aluminium at TV-Mir.com.ua

Experience the power and convenience of the Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40mm Silver Aluminium w. Pure Platinum/Black Nike Sport Band (MX372) now and get it at an affordable price at TV-Mir.com.ua. We offer genuine and brand new watches that are backed by a 1-year warranty and a 14-day return policy. You can also enjoy free shipping and fast delivery within Ukraine, ensuring that you'll get your watch in no time. Buy now and take your first step towards a smarter and healthier lifestyle!

Основні характеристики Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372)

Дисплей 40mm
Сенсорний екран є
Тип дисплея OLED
Лінійка Series 5
Спосіб заряджання беспроводная зарядка
Захист від води ударів водонепроникність на глибині до 50 м
Знімний ремінець есть
Час роботи 18 годин
Базова ОС Apple Watch OS
Вібрація є
Модуль 3G/4G(LTE) есть
Пульсометр есть
Функція гучного зв'язку есть
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
Матеріал алюминий
Матеріал ремінця силикон
Колір серебристый
Вага, г 36,5
Термін гарантії 12 місяців
Країна виробництва Китай

Відгуки про Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372)


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Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372)
Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372)
Код: 00061813
Немає в наявності
13518 грн

Найчастіші питання про товар Apple Watch Series 5 GPS + LTE 40 мм сріблястий алюміній з. Спортивний ремінець Nike Pure Platinum/Black (MX372) за ціною 13518 грн

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